Ever heard the phrase “You are what you eat”? Bearing in mind that the “what” comprises both the “how” and “when” of what we feed on, I am sure you will agree that if we scrutinised a snapshot of our regular nourishment and eating habits, the disclosure would be somewhat sobering at best, and staggering […]
Did you know that your health’s premiums increase with age especially when you have not spared thought or time in the years gone by to invest in making and maintaining healthy, active lifestyle choices…?
Having begun my journey with ‘the Adesinas’ on a less than enthusiastic note, I must admit I fully expected to be even less impressed by the end of the series. So was I impressed or not? I confess I am still undecided, but what I do know is this – I fell in love with […]
It’s another election year in the most populous black nation and as Nigerians queue up at polling stations across the country, whatever happens during this election may go a long way to affect the country’s emerging democracy.
It’s that time of the year again, we’ve managed to work our way through the year (phew) with the ups and downs, the good mixed with bad, but hey, we are thankful it’s the end of the year and almost the beginning of another, so bring on the Christmas parties and family get togethers.
It’s definitely going to be a white Christmas this year, at least in the UK. What happened to ‘global warming’? Surely the scientists have some explaining to do; trust them to cook something up.